Colorado E Waste Recycling Legislation

landfill near Aurora, Co
With technology evolving at a break-neck pace, there has been a staggering rise in e-waste, or electronic waste, in Colorado.

Disposal of electronic devices like smartphones, computers, televisions and appliances is known as e-waste. These materials commonly contain toxic substances such as lead, mercury and cadmium, but also valuable resources including gold, silver and copper. That’s why recycling them comes handy.

The best e-waste legislation is key to achieving responsible e-waste management, safeguarding the environment and recapturing rare materials. Although the state of Colorado has enacted some measures to regulate e-waste, it faces a host of challenges, including a patchwork of state laws and a lack of a comprehensive federal policy.

The Increasing Environmental Cost of E-Waste

In fact, e-waste is one of the fastest-growing waste streams in the United States. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), residents of Colorado produce millions of e-waste tons every year, but only a fraction of that is correctly recycled.

Because electronic waste is not properly disposed of, they are hazardous, polluting soil and water, and causing harmful emissions when burned.

On the flip side, e-waste is also made up of precious materials that can be extracted and reused. The recycling of these products not only minimizes the need for raw material extraction but also reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas production. It’s critical that there is appropriate legislation to support responsible and sustainable management of e-waste.

State of Play on E-Waste at the Federal Legislative Level

While numerous countries have adopted national or federal policies addressing e-waste management, the United States lacks comprehensive federal legislation addressing the recycling of e-waste. However, several federal initiatives provide a structure for the management of electronic waste:

  • Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA): An act that regulates hazardous waste disposal, including certain forms of e-waste. While it governs hazardous substances in electronics, it does not specifically cover e-waste recycling
  • National Strategy for Electronics Stewardship (NSES): Initiated in 2011, this strategy provides the federal government’s framework for improving the management of e-waste. It encourages recycling of used electronics, supports recycling markets, and promotes the design of sustainable products
  • EPA’s E-Steward Program: The EPA oversees a voluntary certification program, the e-Stewards program, which establishes standards for e e waste recycling facilities. These programs aim to help ensure recyclers are acting in environmentally sound ways

Colorado Legislation on E-Waste

Without federal mandates, e-waste recycling in the United States is largely managed at the state level, like in Colorado. Staggeringly, e-waste recycling legislation has only been passed in 25 states and the District of Columbia. These laws differ significantly in their breadth and how they are implemented, but they are typically associated with the following provisions:

Such policies are referred to as Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), a type of legislation that many states are enacting, mandating electronics manufactures’ responsibility for the life cycle of their items when disposed of. EPR laws require producers to pay for and provide e-waste collection and recycling programs.

Consumer Take-Back Programs: Some state laws mandate that retailers or manufacturers also provide voluntary take-back programs in which consumers can return old electronics for recycling or proper disposal.

Landfill Bans: States in several regions have enacted regulations that prohibit the disposal of electronic waste in landfills, a measure aimed at preventing environmental contamination and promoting the recycling of e-waste. Such bans have been put in place by states like California, New York and Illinois.

Recycling Goals and Fees: States might establish mandatory recycling goals for manufacturers or charge fees to support e-waste collection or recycling programs. The fee is levied on the sale of specific electronics to raise money to promote recycling, like in the California’s Electronic Waste Recycling Act.

Approaches to Managing E-Waste: Challenges in Legislation in Colorado

Currently, the U.S. has a patchwork of e-waste legislation across different states like Colorado, leading to inconsistencies and inefficiency. Differences in state laws confuse consumers and businesses, and compliance for manufacturers conducting business throughout the country becomes unwieldy. Also, because there’s no federal oversight, some e-waste is exported to developing countries, where it’s often processed under dangerous conditions.

A further challenge is poor public awareness of e-waste recycling programs. At the same time, many consumers don’t know what the environmental risks are when something is disposed of improperly, or what recycling alternatives are available. Educating people about the benefits of participating in national surveys, as well as other outreach activities, is vital in increasing participation rates.

Recommendations For Improvement

Overall, balancing state efforts with the support of a comprehensive federal approach that sets nationwide consistent e-waste recycling standards is needed, the tech industry and policymakers agree. What would such legislation include? Here are some key parts it might have:

National Mandatory EPR Programs: Equipping manufacturers with the responsibility of E-Waste nationally would help establish an integrated system and incentivize better designing of electronics in an economical manner.

Focus on National Recycling Targets: Legislation needs to create strong but attainable targets for recycling, which will drive positive environmental action and give valuable measures of success.

Through the clarification of these concepts, it is realistic to implement a campaign to refer to the companies that dispose of e-waste in a sustainable manner.

The most effective solution to e-waste pollution is for richer nations to ensure that they have the least dangerous methods of recycling in place for people who work in the electronics repair and waste disposal.

Encouraging R&D: Grant funding and tax reductions for research and development in technologies for e-waste recycling can improve efficiency and recoveries.

The recycling of e-waste is the legislation in Colorado that is vital in confronting the environmental and health challenges that electronics create when thrown away. Even though state laws have made important advances, a unified federal policy is necessary to ensure consistent efforts, increase recycling rates and guarantee safe disposal of e-waste. Placing priority on this topic, the U.S. will preserve its environment, preserve important resources, and promote a sustainable future with better waste management practices.

Recycling Revolution: How Cutting-Edge Tech is Transforming Waste Management

recycling more in NC

Is it better to hire a dumpster rental company involved in recycling practices

Hiring a North Carolina dumpster rental company that is actively involved in recycling practices offers numerous advantages, both for the environment of NC and for your project’s efficiency.

First of all, such companies such as Fayetteville Dumpster Rental Bros ensure that a significant portion of the waste they collect will be recycled, reducing the amount of junk sent to the local landfills of NC. This helps conserve natural resources, decrease pollution and lower greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a more sustainable and eco-friendly waste management system.

Such dumpster rental companies with recycling initiatives often have advanced sorting and processing facilities. This means they can effectively separate recyclables from non-recyclables, ensuring that materials like plastic, metal, and paper are properly processed and reused. This not only supports environmental conservation but also fosters a circular economy, where materials are continually repurposed rather than discarded.

Economically, opting for a recycling-focused dumpster rental service can be cost-effective. Many areas offer incentives or lower disposal fees for recyclables compared to landfill waste. Furthermore businesses can enhance their reputation by demonstrating a commitment to sustainability, which can attract eco-conscious customers and partners.

Hiring a dumpster rental business committed to recycling ensures environmentally responsible waste management, supports resource conservation and will provide economic benefits, making it a smart choice for both individuals and businesses residing in North Carolina.

Recent advancements in recycling technology

The entire world has watched on in recent years as recycling technology advanced significantly due to the rising, and frankly concerning need of sustainable waste management. The developments cover a wide range of materials from plastics to metals and electronics, using state-of-the-art processes that could advance recycling technologies.

And perhaps the most important is in plastic recycling. The complexity in sorting plastics meant that traditional methods have often resulted in contamination and lower quality of recycle materials. Fortunately, there are new tools helping to deal with these problems. Chemical recycling, or advanced recycling, for example shreds plastics into their molecule components enabling them to be reintegrated into virgin quality plastic without the loss in value mechanically recycled products. Loop Industries and Agilyx, for example, are leading the pack with processes that de-polymerise plastics down to their monomers.

An additional development in the area of plastic recycling is better sorting technologies. Recycling facilities have even started to incorporate Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning to help with the looping process. Artificial intelligence robots can recognize and sort different types of plastics more quickly than human workers Additionally, Near-Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is used which sorts plastics by their molecular composition.

This includes the advances in metal recycling with easing reclaiming of rare and precious metals from electronic waste (e-waste). One of the most traditional methods for recycling e-waste is going through shredding and incineration, both of which can be dangerous/ineffective. Further, environmentally subdued solvents and microbe-based procedures are being designed for recovering metals like gold, silver and palladium from e-waste by carrying out new hydrometallurgical and biometallucal technology respectively. It will also lead to higher recovery of useful materials while enhancing the environmental performance of all recycling operations.

Battery recycling, too has come a long way — particularly driven by the ascent of electric vehicles (EVs). With the rise of EVs, you have a rising need for recycling lithium-ion batteries. Enter companies such as Redwood Materials and Li-Cycle that are developing processes to extract materials like lithium, cobalt and nickel from end-of-life batteries. Part of the process includes advanced mechanical and chemical means to safely break down ‘end-of-life’ batteries, resulting in separating these components for potential reincorporation back into a new battery.

Finally, we are also applying recycling techniques in textiles. The fashion industry notoriously generates waste, and new solutions are arising to take on this problem. Through chemical recycling of textiles (as Worn Again Technologies has demonstrated), it is possible to separate and purify polyester as well as cellulose from blended fabrics, thereby manufacturing new textile products without the need for virgin resources.

Lastly, the new age recycling techniques are on its way to transform everything… literally. Recycling innovation is getting to the people. converging strands of AI-driven sorting systems, advanced chemical and biological processes will makes recycling significantly more efficient. An environmentally neutral landscape can be achieved for all of us!

Nevada’s Waste Revolution: Pioneering Progress in Sustainable Management

Las Vegas sustainability

Las Vegas waste management situation

It is not enough to implement a tax for Nevada residents to adopt new waste management habits. The process must be accompanied, otherwise people will throw their waste into nature and they will not respect the law.

To avoid this pitfall, Las Vegas has put in place a whole system to assist sorting at source, in particular that of bio-waste. Collective composters have been systematically installed at the foot of the condominiums. For residents who do not have access to these, composting chalets run by an operator serve as on-site delivery points.

An experiment in collecting compost by bicycle by an association has also been carried out for six months in the city center of Las Vegas, because this area remains too dense to install composting bins on every street corner. Once good habits are acquired, however, there is no guarantee that they will last. Waste management experts noticed that the quantity of waste had, for example, increased during the Covid-19 epidemic. People did work on their homes, they ordered more meals and home supplies, etc. In the end, a simple situation is enough to wipe away five years of effort and deconstruct good habits.

How, in these conditions, can we work to ensure that an approach is successful in the long term? Junk disposal specialsts first insist on the importance of raising awareness among the general public. The user must understand that they must not feed this system, that it is not their role to produce waste. We have to convince people that it is also their responsibility.

This factor is also determining: it seems trivial to raise awareness among one or two residents in workshops, but word of mouth ends up paying off. Most people are looking for information, they want to do well. The motivation is there, but we must assimilate the right actions and understanding of the system by organizing awareness workshops and distributing instructions.

The Las Vegas neighborhood, this cutting-edge technology

The initiative can sometimes even come from the users themselves if they are concerned with Nevada sustainability. The case of the province of Hernani, a municipality of less than 20,000 inhabitants in the Spanish Basque Country, is rather telling in this respect. In the 2010s, a consortium of Spanish companies aimed to open two new incinerators in the province.

Several citizens were strongly opposed to this project. Elected officials will gradually begin to support the protesters. Usurbil, a town of 6,000 inhabitants, is setting up a source sorting and door-to-door waste collection system. In just six weeks, the number of landfills fell by 80%. Hernani quickly followed Ursubil’s example. The municipality is starting to remove large containers from the streets.

Instead, it distributes two individual trash cans per household as well as devices for hanging them in front of houses and buildings. Each waste stream has its own collection day (bio-waste on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday; paper and cardboard on Tuesday, etc.). In the space of one year, the number of waste sent to landfills decreased by 54%, a situation which allowed the mayor of Hernani to declare: our cutting-edge technology is the neighborhood. If the neighbors sort at the source, we don’t need to build an incinerator!

However, residents are not the only ones with leverage for action. Town planners and architects also have a role to play in this transition, in particular by rethinking the role allocated to spaces and their articulation with new uses. We must rethink dense urban environments to store, but also sort and repair waste. The deposit is an interesting case: it forces urban planners to imagine spaces designed for the sharing or repair of objects.

We can think in particular of certain repair cafés which are flourishing in our Las Vegas urban environments, of the new eco-districts which integrate the functions of repair places, etc., which suggests rethinking the built environment. It seems stupid, but adding a bin for bio-waste requires designing a larger room. A logic perfectly summed up like this: when you build a city or a building, it doesn’t just have to be beautiful. We must think of our infrastructures from the outset of their design as integral elements of this circular economy.

The zero waste city is a prospect

However, there is no miracle recipe for becoming a model city in this area, other than increasing the budget allocated to the task of prevention – a task for which only 2% of waste union budgets are allocated. allocated on average in Las Vegas.

Each case is different: some cities focus first on bio-waste, others want to reduce plastic. Some introduce a tax. A community can decide to activate one lever rather than another, depending on its situation, in order to achieve the objectives it has set for itself. These prove to be all the more difficult to achieve as zero waste has never yet been entirely thought of at the scale of a community.

You can always reduce the amount of waste thrown away, but in the end you will always have some left over. It remains to be seen how to value the irreducible part. Experts recognize that, for the moment, it remains unthinkable for Las Vegas to close its last incinerator in the medium term. This option seems improbable, especially since they do not have a landfill.

Even if we reach the objective of 90 kg of household waste produced per year per household, the remaining kilos will still have to be treated. The only more or less realistic solution: pool the last incinerator with other neighboring areas within the same department, which could lead to further reducing the quantity of waste produced on site. An idea that could in any case only be feasible within twenty, even thirty years.

This is not enough to discourage everyone: of course, there is no perfect solution, but the territories which commit to human and financial resources to reduce their waste production already have the merit of existing. And the president of Las Vegas Dumpster Rentals Whiz believes that the zero waste city is a prospect. It remains to be seen whether the legislative obligation provided for in Las Vegas for 2025 will be enough to convince new municipalities to align with this objective.

Improving recycling in Kannapolis

Local authorities in Kannapolis emphasized that the challenge for 2022 must be to increase performance through sustained awareness-raising, reminder of instructions, investigation of satisfaction. A campaign to display and distribute pre-collection bags in vertical habitat is to be extended and renewed. More regular checks will be put in place by quality supervisors to ensure the effectiveness of the work of our collection and sorting service providers.

However, this information work must be completed in view of the wishes expressed through this survey in particular on:
– the fate of waste: 61% of responses do not know the destination of the recycled material;
– the usefulness of sorting: 35% still do not know what the value of sorting is;
– other corresponds to those who want additional information on the utility of a recycling center: 4%.

Will this process be enough for citizens to make sorting actions an automatism and not a constraint? Nothing is less certain because if we judge based on the reflections of some individuals in vertical habitat.

According to a recent survey 68% of Kanapolis residents say they sort their waste against 32% who are recalcitrant, either for lack of motivation, or that a certain a number of factors objectively limit this practice.

Some use bin rental in Kannapolis when they do a home renovation, a Spring cleanout or if they want to get rid of old furniture and jun from their garage. Such waste management practices help reduce pollution and wastage, as some of these materials can be recycled.

In fact, sorting at home in collective apartments means that tenants must first sort some of their waste and they must drop off either in front of their building or in specific premises. Consequently, we can integrate the notion of distance insofar as there is a distance that interferes between the individual and the place where the waste is deposited.

In front of the presence of the refuse chute which is practical, the inhabitant does not face the problem of distance but as part of sorting at source, it must make an additional effort.

The “encouraged” change can also be seen as a constraint, and there are many arguments and excuses for not wanting to change. Also, in some buildings in the county, sorting is no longer relevant as some citizens do not hesitate to throw leftover food in the “clean and dry waste” bin.

Faced with these recalcitrant sorting, the dumpster haulers do not no longer wish to collect bins.

In vertical housing, tiled outdoor shelters equipped with a water point accommodate household waste and this room may, when the selective collection has started, make possible the storage of sorted waste.

However, here this structure, which is an element of street furniture, makes the landscape ugly; in any case, “visual pollution” should put off the user. Indeed, each detail counts for the success of this waste management operation.

Recycling centers and waste management

NC landfills
Recycling centers are classified installations for the protection of the environment. They are open to residents of the community so that they can deposit household and similar waste that they do not are not allowed to present for household waste collection.

The establishment of a network of recycling centers and landfills in North Carolina completes the collection system to develop recycling mechanisms as much as possible and recovery of household waste and avoid wild deposits, in accordance with the local regulations.

The users are residents and professionals. Users must strictly comply with the instructions and sorting instructions, given on site by the agents who are trained for this purpose. It should also be noted that users must unload their waste themselves. In no case the staff has to carry out loadings or unloads.

Recycling centers access

Access to recycling centers is reserved and free for residents residing in the territory of one of the municipalities of NC. In the event of a dispute, the user must present proof of address. Access is paying for private companies, administrations, non-resident services in the territory, subject to prior registration and compliance with quantities to deposit and tariffs applied.

Access is limited to the following vehicle categories: light vehicles with or without a trailer, vehicles with a maximum total weight of 3.5 T and a height less than 2 m. Waste management companies can drop Wilmington dumpsters and roll-offs from other NC citie.

Vehicles with a maximum P.T. of 3.5 t and a height of less than 2m does not apply to collectors responsible for removing waste on the upper track in recycling centers on behalf of the Community.

The quantities admitted cannot exceed the admissible production for a household, i.e. 2m3 per day with all products combined.

Types of waste

Authorized waste are miscellaneous household bulky items, wood, scrap metal, household oils (private individuals only), plastic films, clothing and shoes, toys, empty and clean metal or plastic drums, motorized cultivators and tools (emptied of their oil), polystyrene, mopeds or bikes, cuttings and rubble, mowing of lawn, pruning products or garden branches (except stumps), papers, cartons, newspapers, books, materials IT (individuals only), hi-fi and video, clean plaster, household appliances (private individual only).

Waste authorized under conditions include Special Household Waste, accepted up to the limit of 10 liters per daily intake. The deposit of Special Household Waste must be made by users in the area reserved for this purpose and under the control of the reception staff.

They include: car batteries, bases, cosmetics, neon lights, fluorescent tubes, lamps, phytosanitary, drugs, paints, aerosol cans, glues, batteries (cadmium, nickel, alkalines, buttons, etc.), varnishes, mercury and derivatives, photo products, oils, solvents, radiography, fire extinguishers, gas cylinders , acids. Tires brought by individuals are accepted within the limit of 4 light vehicle tires (truck tires and agricultural vehicles prohibited). A control of admitted waste may be carried out within the recycling center by staff.

Prohibited waste are household waste, explosive, flammable products or liquid, radioactive fuels (in particular hunting cartridges, bullets and rockets). To be returned to the police, the entire elements of the car bodyor truck, household oils except individuals, waste anatomical or infectious, the fat from the grease traps, agricultural tarpaulins, dead animals, flocking and asbestos slabs. This list is not exhaustive, the keeper of the recycling center is authorized to refuse waste which, by its nature, their forms, their dimensions, volumes or quantities, would present a danger or specific constraints for exploitation.

Recycling center regulations

Reception staff will advise and guide users to dumping and treatment sites waste not accepted on recycling centers. In the event of unloading of materials not admitted, the costs of recovery and transport will be the responsibility of the offending user, who can be seen, in the event of a recurrence and after putting into operation remains, refuse access to recycling centers, without prejudice damages which may be due to the Community

Circulation within the recycling centers must be done in strict compliance with the highway code, and signage put in place. The speed is limited to 15km / hour maximum. Parking of vehicles for recycling center users is only authorized on quays for the duration of waste dumping operations in skips and containers. Users must leave this platform as soon as the unloading is completed in order to avoid any congestion on the platform.

The deposited waste is the exclusive property of the operator. Access to recycling centers is prohibited for anyone who does not bring waste. Access to the interior of skips or boxes is strictly prohibited to any person. The recovery of materials is prohibited to any person apart from the provisions made by the local government for the recovery of waste.

The user is civilly liable for the damage he causes goods and people in the recycling center. Users must comply with these regulations and instructions given by operating personnel regarding traffic and safety rules. The center declines any responsibility in case of accident resulting from non-compliance with the instructions. Vehicle maneuvers and operations unloading is done at the users’ own risk.

For safety reasons, it is forbidden to smoke on the whole site or to bring any heat source in the area. The center declines all responsibility in the event of non-compliance with these safety instructions. Any user, contravening these regulations, will be prosecuted if necessary, in accordance with the laws and regulations in force. More generally, users offenders may be denied access to recycling centers, temporarily or permanently.

Linoleum flooring For your renovation

Implemented without difficulty, with a little technicality and care, linoleum remains a modern flooring product with many advantages.

Existing for almost 150 years, linoleum has been brought up to date, in the interiors of individuals as in LES, for fifteen years. Often confused with PVC floor coverings, this natural product is both more rigid and brittle, which requires special precautions in its handling and implementation.

Dyed in the mass, the linoleum has a heterogeneous pigmentation characteristic flame which charms all the more that the product has modernized, by undergoing in the factory a surface treatment which limits its maintenance by avoiding the traditional waxing. Make sure to use a flooring expert to install your new floor, as this is as much of an art as a science, and experience and skills matter.

The fixing technique

The basic implementation is neither more technical nor longer than that of a PVC coating. Its specificity is to use the drawing technique, which avoids breaking the edges of the linoleum around obstacles. The other laying characteristic is heat sealing by thermal welding, made with a round PVC bead, 4 mm in diameter, melted and leveled.

One of the advantages of linoleum is its fresh installation in acrylic glue.

The scratches of this noble product are repaired with a mixture of wood wax and powder obtained by scraping linoleum of the same color.

Avoid damp rooms

This coating is not recommended in damp rooms, as plinth rises are difficult to achieve due to the brittle nature of the product. Preformed plinths are however marketed, which allow a plinth to be raised by welding before the corner of the wall.

In addition to the basic laying of flooring, linoleum, available in a wide range of shades, lends itself well to decor inlays, the making of which is also an integral part of the training.

The linoleum rolls are stored upright, except those whose width exceeds 2 m (be careful, a roll thrown on the ground can break). It is also important to respect the bath numbers of the rolls and, as much as possible, the roll numbers in order to obtain a harmonious color rendering.

The strips, cut 24 hours in advance, are stored flat to allow the burlap to relax. They cannot be placed below 12 °C. Linoleum is a living product which shrinks on contact with the humidity of the adhesive, approximately 1 mm per 2 linear meters. It is advisable to take this into account for strips more than 4 or 5m long.

Steps to make this floor

1 – 48 hours at least after a leveling, at least 3 mm thick, the floor is sanded and cleaned. The piece of linoleum is cut and the direction of the web is indicated on the reverse. The strips are laid in the same direction to respect the “flaming” (streak effect in the pigmentation appearing during the production of the lino sheet, when the dough is “calendered”, compressed by rollers).
2 – The industrial edge is equalized to the edge cutter and will serve as a reference (welding area with the next strip).
3 – By pushing the end of the web in the opposite direction to its folding into a roll, the burlap, relaxed, “cracks”.
4 – Marking in pencil on a reference wall and the ground will allow the strip to be repositioned exactly after fixing.
5 – Offset from the wall, making sure to remain parallel to the plinth with a marking on the ground, the strip is scratched with the tip of a large girder, whose knurl follows the exact relief of the plinth.
6 – The strip is removed, folded and cut with the crooked blade. Then it is precisely repositioned, thanks to the vertical and horizontal marks. The same operation is repeated for the other two edges of the strip.
7 – Gluing of the support is carried out using a spatula with a specific acrylic adhesive (400 g / m2) and the adhesive glued fresh. The second strip covers the first by 2 or 3 cm. Its ends are rigged; the joint between the two strips is made in glue with a small pen.
8 – The resulting joint is almost edge to edge (a deviation of 0.2 mm is tolerated). The masking hammer allows the edges of the strips to be properly retracted.
9 – The joint is chamfered with an electric chamferer. The rear caster is aligned with the seal.
10 – Near the wall, the chamfer is made with a gouge for uniform coating and then with a straight blade, which also makes it possible to clean debris.
11 – The thermobonding is carried out with the measured length of bead. The weld cannot exceed two-thirds of the thickness of the coating or the radius of the bead (here 2 mm). The heat of the soldering iron is adjusted so that the cord melts without burning.
12 – A first leveling is carried out hot, using a quarter moon and its guide (or with a Mozart knife). Do not start at the start of welding to prevent the bead from coming loose. After a second finishing pass, without guide, performed 10 minutes later with the same tool, the result is almost invisible.

The state of landfills in the USA

In the United States, hundreds of cities, crumbling under their waste, no longer recycle. Since China decided to stop importing American waste, the USA has faced the problem of managing its trash.

Is the US recycling network collapsing?

In Philadelphia, the recyclable waste of half the inhabitants – it is 1.5 million – is now incinerated. The cans, bottles and newspapers that accumulate in the recycling bins of Memphis International Airport end up in a landfill. And the city of Daltona, Florida recently suspended its municipal recycling program.

Since China, hitherto the number one destination for American waste has chosen to no longer be the trash can of the world, hundreds of municipalities across the United States have discovered what this means costs to consume, and therefore produce tons of waste. And their are forced to reinvent their waste management practices.

In 2017 Beijing notified the World Trade Organization (WTO) that it would ban the entry into its territory of twenty-four categories of solid – plastics, paper and textiles – waste. To justify this change, the Chinese authorities have put forward the environmental argument and the need to develop their own recycling industry. The measure came into effect at the end of 2017 and in November 2018, Beijing announced that thirty-two new products, ranging from scrap stainless steel to wood via auto and ship parts, would be added to the list of those already banned.

Between 1992 and 2017, China and Hong Kong imported 72.4% of all plastic waste for recycling. Every day, 4,000 containers of recyclable plastic used to leave the United States for China. But between January and October 2018, plastic, paper and metal waste imported by Beijing decreased by 51.5% compared to the first ten months of 2017.

Incinerate rather than sort

As a consequence, sorting paper, plastics, metal and glass, as well as finding outlets for these products are proving to be too expensive today for many American municipalities. Even for the largest city in Pennsylvania, whose inhabitants produce 400 tonnes of recyclable waste per day. Chicago junk disposal services have to find new supplies of roll-off dumpster to handle the increase is demand for waste management programs.

When recycled, the Municipality of Philadelphia made money. In 2012, Republic Services, one of the giants of the management of the sector, paid 67.35 dollars to the city for the treatment of a ton of waste. But after the decision of the Chinese authorities, the situation changed. In the summer of 2018, when Republic Services renegotiated the contract, the company planned to charge $ 170 for recycling a ton of waste.

Too expensive for the city, which decided to use the services of a competitor, Waste Management. But the latter is only able to handle half of municipal waste, for 78 dollars per ton. The rest is incinerated by Covanta Energy, another player in the waste and incineration sector. Most of us think that recycling is a service offered by the city, but it is actually a business.

Small towns like Broadway in Virginia, Blaine County in Idaho or Franklin in New Hampshire are not spared. In 2010, Franklin (8,600 inhabitants) launched a recycling program that did not weigh on his finances: a ton of recycled waste brought them 6 dollars, which was enough to pay for the selective sorting service. But since the change in policy in China, it has to pay $125 to recycle a ton of waste, or $68 to incinerate it. With 18.4% of its population below the poverty line, the municipality does not see itself raising taxes to finance recycling: it has also chosen the incineration solution, which is bad for air quality.

When not using incineration or sorting, municipalities are forced to open landfills. These are the third largest source of human-made methane emissions in the United States: they accounted for approximately 14.1% of these emissions in 2016, according to figures from the Environment Agency (EPA).

Alternative solutions

China has given the industry too little time to adjust, the US will soon have so much inventory that they will have to put more and more in landfills if they do not find new markets. American cities cannot bet on other countries that import waste either. Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand and India are unable to absorb the tens of millions of tonnes that China imported. And when these countries agree to import part of it, they impose a drastic specification.

So what to do? Working upstream to reduce the use of plastic seems to be one of the only solutions. The sooner they accept that recycling is economically impracticable, the sooner they can make progress in solving the problem of plastic pollution. Municipalities like San Francisco are also trying to change mentalities. In addition to reducing their consumption, reusing and recycling, the city encourages its inhabitants to refuse to consume. A gamble far from being won in the middle of Silicon Valley, and while the American economy is running at full speed and producing more waste than ever: in 2015, the last year for which national data are available, the United States produced 262.4 million tonnes of waste, 4.5% more than in 2010 and 60% more than in 1985.

Rules to Being a Successful Remodeler

remodeling your home
Here are some rules to follow if you want to get started with remodeling part of your house.

  1. Never give up and never say never
  2. Be relentless with your research.
  3. Deliver the WOW in every area of your renovation.
  4. Embrace change and think outside the square.  
  5. Have fun at work and in life 
  6. Build trust and respect in your relationships for they are the rocket fuel of your success.
  7. Do more with less; don’t be intimidated by a tight budget, look on it as a challenge.  
  8. Look on problems as the stepping-stones to achievement.
  9. If there is something you don’t want to so, do it anyway.
  10. Be passionate, generous and humble.

It is one thing to know the exact color you want on a wall but it is quite another to actually identify the paint that is going to bring your vision to life.

The hours you spend with a cup of tea over a paint chart are one of the joys of renovating but once you start the seemingly endless treks to and from from the hardware store with armfuls of sample pots, the joy soon degenerates into frustration. It is one thing to know the exact color you want on a wall but it is quite another to actually identify the paint that is going to bring your vision to life.

Paint color is one of the pivotal decisions you will make in a renovation; it has the power to control the look and feel of a room and the emotions of those living in it so it just has to be right. Some people go for the tried and tested approach: finding a color scheme they like and repeating it over and over again. The truth is that a color on one house will look completely different on another thanks mainly to differences in light

Paint is relatively cheap in the scheme of things but the application is costly either in the cost of the painter or your own time and energy. A poor color choice that requires a re-paint is an expensive mistake and one to be avoided.

Engaging a good color consultant will remove all the pain associated with selecting colors but you still get to play with the colors, the difference is that you have someone turning your vision into reality. Of course if you don’t have a clue about what colors you want, a consultant will guide you through the best color choices for your home.

The main advantages of using the color consultant, other than saving in time ,energy and anxiety spent on the sample pot scenario is that it paves the way for all other decisions to be made over finishes.

For example you will use your paint color selections as the reference for selecting tiles, soft furnishings, bench tops, etc. In short, it takes away the difficulty associated with decisions making over finishes.

Generally a color consultant will work for an hourly rate and spend a couple of hours on internal and external paint colors selections but make sure you get a quote up front.

Part of remodeling your house is the cleaning required at the end. If you tore some walls down you may end up with a lot of construction debris including concrete. Painting itself will leave you with paint containers, which are hazardous materials to handle with care. Usually people doing a large remodel will rent a rollfoff dumpster so they can easily remove all this junk.

Protecting the Environment in Charlotte, NC

charlotte, ncThe beautiful city of Charlotte in North Carolina should be kept green. Let’s keep Charlotte streets litter-free. Join more than 100 active volunteer groups who clean up hundreds of miles of city streets. The Keep Charlotte Beautiful (KCB) Board works to improve the cleanliness of the City through enhancing public awareness and ensure the City sustains a clean and healthy environment.

The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is the lead stewardship agency for the protection of North Carolina’s environmental resources. There is no better way to feel the impact of your efforts than to volunteer right where needs are being served daily. United Way’s Hands On Charlotte offers flexible volunteer opportunities for companies, individuals, and families, connecting them with service projects that have meaningful impact in and around the Charlotte area.

Environment North Carolina, affected communities and activists across the state are celebrating the Cooper Administration’s announcement that Duke Energy must clean up all its remaining coal ash ponds across the state. Environment North Carolina will remain vigilant and hold Duke Energy accountable as cleanup plans are finalized and implemented. Waste management is a grave concern of the local government and will not be dealt with lightly. Charlotte dumpster rentals are quite easy to find and these rolloff containers are what is used for junk removal and recycling of unwanted debris and garbage in the area.

Environmental Services of Charlotte NC specializes in heating and air conditioning maintenance, service, installation, automation and building controls for commercial buildings. They are your one source for complete HVAC building services: Unlimited HVAC and Electrical Services Design/Build and Plan/Spec Services.

After nearly 15 years of service to the Environmental Industry, the environmental division of Primary Resources has earned its own identity, and will now focus only on Environmental Firms. As En-Staff, their mission is to concentrate soley on the issues and needs of environmental firms, such as recycling and junk removal companies. Their primary resources are not going away but, but they will concentrate more on the CDA Environmental, LLC which is an environmental consulting facility providing consulting, technical, and environment services to the residential and commercial clients in and around Charlotte, NC. They work hard to provide their clients with a comprehensive environmental consulting service to help them resolve their quality of indoor air.

On the other hand the Charlotte Environmental Health Division focuses on all aspects of the natural and human-made environment effecting human health. Their goal is to prevent the spread of disease and promote personal safety through proper sanitation, safe food, clean water, the management of disease-carrying pests, and proper disposal of waste.

The Latest on the Environmental Protection Agency’s decision not to compel General Electric to restart dredging in the Hudson River is goign to be food for thoughts as far as sustainability is concerned. The Natural Resources Division is also tasked to actively manage Charlotte County’s environmental lands. Charlotte County has been acquiring environmentally sensitive lands since the mid 1990s, through direct purchases, grant funds, and most recently the voter approved Conservation Charlotte program.

How To Select A Dumpster Rental and Waste Management Service

construction project
It is a fact that some people find that selecting a waste management service can become tedious. However it is also a fact that property waste disposal is critical for ensuring that certain types of waste will not contaminate the environment.

To help you select the waste management service in the United States here are some of the things you need to look out for when renting a dumpster and hiring a waste management service.

Renting a dumpster is needed when you are in the middle of a big construction project, such as remodelling part of your house, redesigning your garden or adding a swimming pool to it. It is also useful when you are trying to sell your house in Chicago and your broker tells you to make a big cleanup first to get a better price.

1. Company Reliability

One of the most horrifying things about waste management is when you are facing an overly piled dumpster. Apart from the considerable health hazards it poses, it can also be a great inconvenience to you and the rest of the people living or working in the area. Regular collection happens when you hire a reliable company. Make sure to check their customer reviews to ensure that this is one of the company’s priorities.

2. Customer Service

Today, companies need to put importance on customer service. A good waste management company will ensure that they handle calls and queries as swiftly as possible in a professional manner. The company needs to have a polite and proactive staff to make sure that their customers are getting the service that they paid for.

3. Environmental Credentials

One of the reasons why you should hire a waste management company is because you need to be a part of keeping the Earth green. Working with an accredited waste company with a recycling-led focus assures customers that they are not contributing to the detrimental effects of waste on our planet. A good choice is a company like Dumpster Rental, Tucson, AZ that is focused on trash segregation on top of the other waste management practices that support the environmental policies imposed by the state laws.

4. Price

The truth is, waste management can be expensive, especially when your dumpsters contain hazardous waste. Often, services that are priced slightly higher offer a more reliable service. As a rule of thumb, if the prices are too good to be true, then they probably do not deliver the service you are expecting.

When you make use of waste management practices and dumpster rentals, you allow your house or business to operate without causing a detrimental impact on the environment. So think about getting a dumpster rental and waste management service in time. That way you can be a part of the massive community, helping to clean the Earth one step at a time.